We're on the prowl...

5:50 PM
Nice title I suppose but I am really not on the prowl, just getting myself ready to hopefully be in a craft show in the fall. I am a little nervous as this will only be the 2nd craft show I've ever done and to be honest the first one.... was advertised well but I didnt sell one thing so I lost out on the money I spent to rent the booth, on top of spending all day there. Needless to say there is a craft shown on April 9th, nearby so I will check it out and see how it is before I apply to be in their next one in November. Just hope it's not on the same weekend as the Simple Goods Show in Ohio.

My first attempt was making price cards for my goodies, which by the way I will be selling double scented tarts, prairie dolls & candle mats. Here's a picture of the price cards I made, took me a while but I love how they turned out. My candle mats are currently being sold through me and also at Lizzie's Log Cabin. Be sure to give them a visit for early american items. You can also find my tarts there too! Head on over and visit them today, you will be happy you did!

I hope everyone had a wonderful day and be sure to come back tomorrow for another lesson on learning something new about Living in Simple Times.

Tracy - Simple Living
My love of vintage goods, antiques
and handmade primitives!

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