Simple Time Living

11:17 PM
Wow it's been a while so I send you my apologies but I started working again and yes, I'm still crafting.

I happened to go to an art festival last weekend (a small one) but there was a particular artist who caught my eye, he made guitars (acoustic and electric) out of boxes and many other things. I was quite amazed at the talent. I saw one made out of a cigar box which gave me a twinkle in my eye but I know I cant play a guitar for anything but I can craft, so that's what intrigued me.

There were other great artists there selling handmade jewelry, photos, dolls, mosiac items and hand blown glass too! I was in awe that's for sure.

Has anyone else found any intriguing items to tell me about?

Tracy - Simple Living
My love of vintage goods, antiques
and handmade primitives!

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