I've got chickens on my mind....

7:39 PM
Hey everyone,

I'm back and this time with chickens on my mind (no I'm not a bird brain) lol

After talking with hubby and doing some research we've decided to further think about getting a few chicken for laying (for now) as we love eggs. We've found some great plans on the internet for feeders and waterers but our main thing that will take some time is making a DIY chicken coop and making sure my "chicks" are away from any dangers here at our homestead.

While we dont live in the country and there are plenty of houses around us, we know that where we live we are allowed 4 fowls for each license and since we're newbies at this whole raising chickens thing, we will just start out with 4. We only want the chickens for the eggs and of course to have them become a part of our family as we are tremendous animal lovers around here.

We've researched and are thinking about a few breeds, maybe someone could help us out with this one:

1. Red Star
2. Black Star
3. Barred Rocks

I mean, right now we're in planning stages but it would be good to hear your input if you have experience and opinions are greatly appreciated.

Cheers, from my homestead to yours!

Tracy - Simple Living
My love of vintage goods, antiques
and handmade primitives!

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