Dreaming.... of selling mostly everything and travel the US

12:48 PM
I recently posted on my favorite forum website about selling everything and travel the US, to which I received MANY MANY responses. One major hurdle was having a "safe place" as far as insurance and drivers licensing goes and well that's finally figured out. Now the question is how do you go about selling almost everything? Of course, on my internet searches, I've come across many websites of people who have done just that! How cool! Hold an entire house contents sale - Obviously, it makes sense, so while our house is on the market we will post in free publications, local facebook groups, local Craiglist categories, with the hopes of getting people to come but that's not my only idea. I usually sell a few times a year in the spring/summer at a flea market called Saylorburg or Blue Ridge Flea Market and I make a decent amount of money but of course I will NOT be lugging my furniture around there (plus my car isn't big enough for that) so that's when the house contents sale will come in handy. Some are probably asking, what about your jobs? (Hubby and I) Well, hubby can take a leave of absence for a while and I've already talked to my boss and since he just signed a 5-year lease so, when we get back I will still have a job (I am a manager of a children's clothing store). If not, I can always search for another job which in my field isn't hard to find. For me, I just want time, time to be me, to do the things I want, to not worry about this or that and to sightsee around the US, nothing wrong with that. PLEASE if anyone has any ideas, thoughts or places to visit, comment below. I'd love to hear from you! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Tracy - Simple Time Living
My love of vintage goods, antiques
handmade goods and living simply!

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