RV cabinet painting has begun.....

3:42 PM
ok so I've been begging the hubby to change the cabinet colors and all my nagging FINALLY paid off, ok not so much nagging but maybe I'm a bit persistent and I'm one of those people that have something on my mind, I wanted it done yesterday so yes, I'm super happy now.

Take a look at the pic I snapped of the hubby painting the cabinets :)

Again, if anyone is curious, the color is a match to the Kitchen Aid Aqua Sky color kitchen items, we went to Home Depot and did a color match and I have to say that it is a PERFECT match. 

Oh! and before I forget, I mentioned in my previous post about the Instant Pot, YES we are avid Instant Pot users, I mean heck who wouldn't want to have awesome tasting food in 75% less time, here's a pic of our BBQ chicken wings that were oh so delicious. 

Be on the lookout for more posts and yummy pictures in the near future or possibly in my next post, until then stay healthy and blessed. 

Tracy - SimpleTimeLiving
My love of repurposing, homesteading, learning to be
self-sufficient, RVing, making homemade goods & living simply!

“When the living gets unburdened with needs and desires, the life becomes simple and easy to carry.” - Shashi, Songs of the Mist

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